Monday, September 2, 2013

HiddenClan's Fourth Anniversary

Hey warriors!

Did you know that HiddenClan's fourth anniversary passed some time ago?

HiddenClan wasn't always as prosperous as we are now. The Clan started out as a small group of avid warrior cat RPers on a Warrior Cat Spoiler blog called Heart of the Forest. Wolfshadow became Wolfstar and founded the Clan. Cloverspots, our medicine cat, made up the name HiddenClan.
This small group of roleplayers invited more and more cats to join their Clan, and became who we are today. <3

Unfortunately, the Heart of the Forest blog has been deleted for unknown reasons last year, but still, four years after its creation, HiddenClan continues to live on.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Leaving on vacation for two weeks

Hey warriors! :D

Tomorrow I will be heading to Alaska on a two-week trip, and will be returning on August the 27th. Meanwhile, the Clan will be in Dragonwing's paws as usual, though Moonbeam and Darkfang will also be modding.



Saturday, July 13, 2013

Going to summer camp, will be away for two weeks

Hello warriors!

I will be going to summer camp tomorrow for two weeks and will be coming back in approximately thirteen days. :) the Clan will be in the paws of Dragonwing the deputy, and Moonbeam, one of our most active warriors. You guys will be able to accept new warriors and chase off spammers, as well as maintaining the roleplay.

See you guys in two weeks!


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Gathering today!

Hey warriors,

Just a quick reminder that the Gathering is today! For those of you who are new warriors, the Gathering website is , and once you get to the main page, go to the Roleplay page. That's where we roleplay out the Gatherings and such.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Plot Twist in RP :3

Hey warriors! :3

In order to start up RP again, we are having a major plot twist in RP, hosted by Darkfang. :3
I'm pretty sure we'll all enjoy it, and start surveying RP carefully if we drop any hints. :3



Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Hey warriors!

After many, many weeks, the battle is finally over.
Please view the Battles page on Gatherings for more information.
Hopefully we can get RP started up again and have more warriors come on or join us. ;3

Thank you for your patience,


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Battle ending soon!

Hey warriors,

The Clan has been all but dead the past few days, but to any of the warriors who are reading this, please try to post on the battles page. We are nearly done, though we still have yet to carry out our grand finale for the battle.

Revival, warriors! Fight for the life of this Clan!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Getting this Clan back in business!

Hey warriors,

Wolfstar and I are discussing the battle plans, and the end date is still undecided. FOr now, I would like it if we got more active again, and post more on RP and the Battles page. HiddenClan has been alive for more than three years already, and it would be a real tragedy, should this Clan die out.
We need to get revived!


Friday, March 8, 2013

ANNOUNCEMENT: Gathering and battle with RainClan TODAY!!!

Hey warriors,

This is an announcement; the battle with RainClan is TODAY. We will fight it out on this page of the Gathering website. The Gathering will be on the normal RP, though I suggest we refrain from going there this time as the battle is more important.
The battle will go on for the rest of today and will go through and end on Sunday.

I will do one final post on our RP, with HiddenClan going to battle, but I repeat; the actual battle will take place on the Warrior Gathering website, on the Battles page (see link above).

HiddenClan, rally to me! The battle with RainClan begins tonight!

Edit: The battle is not yet finished, so disregard my previous words...


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Battle with RainClan in two days~

Hey warriors,

Just a reminder; the Gathering, as well as the battle, will now be in two days time. I'd like it that as many warriors as possible be there, and our medicine cats as well. :3

Now, the RP "motivation" for the battle has already been posted on RP; the dead bodies of Icefrost and Jetstream have been found on HiddenClan territory, and both are covered with RainClan scent.

I hope this clears everything up, and prepare for battle. :3


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Battle taking place next Gathering

Hey warriors,

Wolfstar has agreed that the Clans need to start some sort of battle, and she has decided that the next Gathering, HiddenClan and RainClan will go to the battles page on the Gathering website, and we will basically fight. :P
The purpose for our RP on WHY we are fighting is yet to be decided.
I will post some more once I get more information.

Sharpen your claws and prepare for battle! :3


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Announcement: Ceremonies done by the LEADERS only!

Hey guys,

I am sorry for the large text, but this powerplaying is getting on my nerves. I would've written the apprenticeship ceremony yesterday, but familial issues have prevented me from getting onto HiddenClan.
The new apprentices are Oakkit and Drizzlekit, not Silverkit. Silverkit will be apprenticed after the Gathering (or sooner, if she wants it).
From now on, I don't want any more mix-ups going on on who is going to be apprenticed/turned into a warrior. I will post earlier on on Camp, RP, or the CBox.
Due to the issue about who was getting apprenticed, I have deleted certain comments from RP that led up to this unfortunate incident. I understand that some things have not been entirely clear the last few days on who was getting apprenticed, but I hope it is clear now.
I do not want a repeat of this incident.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

New blog: W.O.L.F by Darkfang

Hey warriors! (again)
I hope we were all at yesterday's Gathering. I just want to introduce one of our newest warriors, Darkfang, and her new blog, which is entitled W.O.L.F. The link is here. in case anyone wants to visit/join/ I will be helping her, though on there, I will be called "Nightwish" or "Moonspirit".

-Willowstar and Darkfang

Friday, February 8, 2013

Reminder: Gathering today!

Hey warriors! :3

Just a quick reminder that the Gathering is today. The link to the Gathering blog is here. I will most definitely be at the Gathering this month, and I hope everyone else will be there, too. ;)
Just a note that the Gathering starts tonight, goes on all night and ends tomorrow morning, so you'll all have plenty of time to post.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

From Kit to Apprentice

Mistykit, until the day you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Mistypaw. Your mentor will be Dragonwing, and may she pass on all her valuable skills on to you.
Full ceremony is on Roleplay. We now welcome Mistykit as Mistypaw!
 Mistypaw! Mistypaw!