Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New HiddenClan Warriors Video

Hey warriors :), I made a new video for the Warriors of HiddenClan page, its here. I will put it up on the Warriors of HiddenClan page. This video does not include RP warriors or deceased warriors, its only the current warriors, like Dragonwing and Cloverspots and Moonbeam, etc.

Monday, December 17, 2012

New RP Rules

Hey guys, its Willowstar again. I have new rules for RP.
When posting, please try to use proper grammar and post more than five sentences each post.

BAD: Willowfoot walked into camp and dropped into her nest into the warriors den and fell asleep.
Reason why its bad: Its too short and is a very long grammatically incorrect sentence. XD

GOOD: Willowfoot plodded wearily into the warriors den, tired out from her long day out of camp.  "First a hunting patrol, then a border patrol, and then the Gathering!" she muttered to herself. "What a day!" She picked her way through the sleeping warriors, murmuring an apology when she tripped over someone in the dark. After dropping into her nest, she curled up in the soft green moss, slipping into oblivion.

Does the second one look better? Its more detailed and is an appropriate length, not to mention the sentences are more fixed and complete.

Powerplaying - !

Its been less than a month since I last posted on the powerplaying rule! Today I was notified by Firefeather that someone played her cat and posted spammy stuff on RP.

I already said this on the CBox and RP, but I will say it here, too: WHOEVER POWERPLAYED FIREFEATHER, I will be quite disappointed if you are a warrior within this Clan! I would like you to turn yourself in if you did this, and I can forgive you, but anymore of this nonsense and you will be dealing with me!

If you have NEVER joined this Clan and decided to post another player's character for fun on our Roleplay, STOP IT. I am NOT amused. If you want to join, click the Warriors of HiddenClan page and make your own character and do not use another person's character. I would like that you turn yourself in, too. If you are not interested in joining our Clan, then please leave us alone.

As a reminder to all of you, there are different forms of powerplaying. They include

-Making another person's cat do something drastic, like attack another cat,
-Seriously wounding a character that does not belong to you,
-Killing a character that does not belong to you, or
-Using another person's character to do something stupid or un-catlike, which was exactly what happened to Firefeather.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Gathering website... and RP

Hey, its Willowstar again. Not many of us seemed to have come to the Gathering. I am unsure whether we all forgot, which is highly unlikely, but most of us seem to not know that the Gathering does NOT take place here on the HiddenClan blog. It is my fault that I haven't told you earlier that we go on the Gathering blog. Thank you to Moonbeam who gave the link on the Cbox.

For those of you who haven't seen the link, it is here.

Now we (hopefully) know where to go now next time. And just a reminder, I will be clearing out RP soon; we are reaching our maximum of two hundred comments. ;)

Edit: Finished clearing out RP. Everyone can post now. :D

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Picture Update

I've recently gotten Photoshop CS5, so if you need me to edit a pic just say so. :)
Here's some stuff I've been playing with recently, and I'll post  more continuously.

(Original picture-http://www.flickr.com/photos/24154320@N00/1394057560/lightbox/)

(original picture- http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1247/787092721_4d6b7dc33f.jpg)

(original pic- http://www.freewebs.com/tornadorider/wow.jpg)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Moving Gathering Times

Gatherings are no longer every two weeks, but every month, like the books. We'll still have this one coming up, but every other one will be a month apart. I'm setting up a countdown timer for Gatherings to make it easier to know when they are, and requesting the other leaders to have one too(so everyone goes the same day, hopefully)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Updated Warriors Page

I updated the deaths and such on the warriors of Hiddenclan page, so tell me if there's any other changes to it you want me to make.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Gathering Cancelled

Hey guys, we missed the Gathering entirely. I forgot to tell you I was camping this weekend and so no one was here for the Gathering, so we're not even gonna try to make it up. Just skip and we'll have one next two weeks. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I made a new blog called RainClan, just because its about time. :) It's different though, because the characters are already made and you get to pick which one you like. If you can't find any you like, you can alter one of their descriptions slightly and it'll be yours. So yeah. :) The link is below:

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Gathering Saturday(the 15th)

I know we missed it but lets still try and post there, as if it were today, okay? I don't want us to get out of habit or else the whole thing will just be a lost cause.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Adopt a Cat

Adopt a cat has been updated. I'm putting up a poll for which characters we should and shouldn't delete. If you want one of them go claim it there, bla bla bla. :)
Oh, also, if you have a character on FlameClan, you should check their roleplay and post, since now HiddenClan's and FlameClan's roleplay currently intertwine. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Guys, I know not many are getting on, but we need to get active again. Desperately. We're getting so worn down that Willowstar had to email me and ask me to block 9 spammers in the chat box. Do you realize what that means? As most of you may know, when a blog dies it's chat box is usually overrun and flooded by spammers. Nine were flooding ours, and that is a really bad sign. So I'm blogging less and less, and it's because of school. But for the sake of the Clan I'll try on get on as much as I get on Wild at Heart (a lot) so we don't die out. Original HiddenClan warriors- do you remember where we started? Heart of the Forest. I'd hate for HiddenClan to die, because while most warrior cat blogclans are started on their own, we started as a group of friends in a totally unrelated page. So it'd be really sad to see the original group of friends and warriors dwindle off. I remember the first couple polls I made on HiddenClan. We had 18 people vote. Last couple polls I made, there were about 4 voters. That's a lot lost- Splashfoot, Skywhisker, Jetstream, Oceanmist, Waveclaw, Firemoon, Featherheart, Ashstripes, and who knows who else. Others get on once every like, six months. So if we want to stay alive we need a good, exciting plot in roleplay, interesting gadgets, stuff to do. So if you have an idea for roleplay, something that will improve hiddenclan, or a suggestion, comment!!! Lastly, we have a Gathering on Sunday(the 18th) so don't forget!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Fixed Roleplay

I got Roleplay finally fixed! I have a new strategy- whenever that "Load more" thing comes up, from now on I'll just like, post the last thing to happen up, delete all the comments, and boom, we're good to go.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Gathering Today

If Willowstar can't be there, someone at least try and represent the Clan, because Im on a missionary trip today and dont have time to.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Adopt a cat

Ok guys I got an idea from another blog but whatev. Ok, so all of the cats that are REALLY unused at roleplay are going up for adoption so that another person can claim that character. And if it's not adopted within a couple weeks it'll be deleted, because it just takes up space. Or if we all agree no one will actually use the character, I'll put up a poll and we'll vote on if it should be deleted or not.
Right now the ones for "adoption" are-
Those are all for now since there are so many. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I made a new blog called "Our Stories", where I'm posting Waveclaw's self story. So I'm taking her self story off of hiddenclan but posting the link on the self stories page. I want to do the same with Dawnlight's self story but I need her permission first. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cats of HiddenClan in general

roleplay warriors and hiddenclan warriors pages cuz it'll take up less space, so yeah. sound good?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

New HiddenClan video

Wolfstar has created a new video for HiddenClan!

Here is the link, I will also post it to the "Warriors of HiddenClan" page.   New video

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Bye guys, I'm resorting to only visiting HiddenClan now. Blogging is getting in my way of having a relationship with Jesus, as a Christian. So I'm cutting out all my blogs excess blogs that I hardly get on anyway, so here's a chart I made:
If you want to have Random Blog or something tell me before I delete it. Also, Dawn, email me about Malice (unless you don't want it) And I'll make you admin.
Uh... I think that's it.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Deputy Ceremony

My first post as Clan leader! :D  First things first; I'm choosing a deputy.

I, Willowstar, say these words before StarClan, that the spirits of our ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy is... Dragonwing!
I'm sorry to anyone else who wanted to be deputy, but Dragonwing was the most obvious choice. She doesn't come on much (I hope that will change because she is now deputy) but is the most senior warrior in the Clan and has come here the longest, and is loyal. Dragonwing! Dragonwing! Dragonwing!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Wolfstar is Dead, Willowstar is Born

Willowfoot, you from now on be called Willowstar. Protect and care for the Clan, never neglect them or degrade them. From now on, the welfare of HiddenClan lies in your paws. May StarClan light your path!
Willowstar! Willowstar! Willowstar!
For those of you who are wondering WHAT they just missed, read roleplay, it explains everything. As for Waveclaw, don't worry. Both of us had known all along about this and were planning it through email; that was our "secret" in the chat box.
I've given HiddenClan to Willowstar instead of holding a vote because she gets on constantly and it seemingly never gets old to her. I did it because I thought she was the absolute best chance on keeping the Clan alive. I'm sorry for those who wanted to be leader or deputy, but don't forget, Willowstar still has to choose a deputy! :)
I'm not entirely quitting the blog; I've still got a few characters I'll play every once in awhile, so don't worry. If you ever need to contact me, email me at k.wolfshadow@gmail.com (speaking of emails, Willowstar, you'll have to email me (so you don't give out your email here if you don't want) so that I can make you administrator of HiddenClan)
Lastly, don't forget we have a Gathering tonight at the blog I made(click to go there) since this would be a perfect time to start. The dates for the next five Gatherings, including this one:

Oh, one last thing: if you want to join a new Clan or blog or something, go to FlameClan because it's getting a major remodel and looks awesome. Thanks!

Be Ready

Guys, this is a warning. Be ready. You won't expect what's coming, but make sure you start checking roleplay. Consistently.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Okay, so the dates aren't official yet, but PROBABLY every two weeks all of the warrior blogs, including hiddenclan, are gonna have a gathering at this blog i made- Warrior Cat Gatherings- Check it out, i explained the rest in a post there. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

OMG OMG OMG LOOOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Release Date: March 5 2013

Before Rusty left his kittypet home…
Before Bluestar ruled ThunderClan…
Before Crookedstar made his fateful promise…
The warrior Clans were born.
Find out how it all came to be in this brand-new arc that reveals the origins of the four Clans. Featuring a new cast of characters, a richly developed world, and a never-before-seen look at the history of the warrior cats, this prologue arc is perfect for existing fans and for those new to the Warriors world. With over thirteen million copies sold and each new title hitting the New York Times bestseller list, the Warriors series is a true phenomenon that will continue to take readers by storm.


Release Date: September 11 2012


Monday, June 11, 2012

Officially Opening Fan Fiction!

Fan Fiction is now ready for business! The only thing is you have to read all of the rules, so your filled in with what's going on. Sound good? Good. :D
Oh, and Brightstar from MoonClan is currently in Europe on a family summer vacation, so she can't update her blog for awhile.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Moon Clan

Hey kitties! My friends Brightstar and Icecrystal are new to blogging, and I'm sorta helping them out. :) So it would be great if you joined their blog; they made it last night. The link is: http://moonclanfreedomfighters.blogspot.com/ thanks!

Friday, May 11, 2012

New RP pages

To get our RP up and running here's what I'm doing. We'll have our normal rp, and then we'll have fanfiction. The difference- Fanfiction  is actually rp but with the actual characters from the books. And I really really want to kill Leafpool and Squirrelflight... What? I said that outloud? Oops, sorry. Anyway, if we do this, it needs to be absolutely as close as possible to the books as it can be. As in, no being dead and coming back alive, totally random season changes, having like, 9 kits, etc. And also it should be, i don't know, proffesional. Like, if you really want to do it, you've got to be descriptive and type as if your an actual author. We'll use all of the characters from the books, and  I've got a sysytem worked out for deaths and births. If we have a disagreement about who should die and who shouldn't, I'll make a poll, and the majority wins. No one person gets to decide something, okay? Like on rp you can choose how many kits and names, but on fanfiction we vote on everything that never happened in the books like, e.g. Dovewing or Ivypool having kits, you know? Alright tell me what u think.